Soft & Fluffy… 11 new packages of Elviart by impressme – your brand grand!

Impressme – your brand grand undertook with great appetite the assignment of the rebranding of Elviart Kaloidas S.A.!

We have started the project by redesigning the logo of the company.


The smiling familiar figure of the baker with the rich mustache acquired fresh artisanal features, in a contemporary approach of Elviart’s tradition.

Elviart - Product Packaging Redesign

The renewed sketched figure plays a leading part in each of the 11 packages Elviart, accompanied by a friendly and cheerful font.

Acknowledged by experience and after a thoroughly research by Elviart, the final choice of the consumer takes place in front of the shelf in a few seconds, we emphasized the USPs of Elviart brand, so to stand out at once among the competitive products.

The products have totally distinguishable, vivid colors, while they maintain their unique, loving checkered pattern, as their trademark.

The transparency, an all- time value of Elviart, characterizes every package so to let the consumer see in full sight, with his own eyes, the high quality product.

The Greek identity of Elviart is represented with straws, which connects the content of the packaging with the first raw material of pita bread and with the Greek landscape.

Our target is to boost the acknowledged strong export activity of Elviart, with a reinforced presence of its products on the shelves of the market, globally. Having this ambitious, but realistic vision, the packages have been implemented in a total of 9 languages.

On the back side of every package, the long history of our brand that has started at a small bakery, in 1952, is written shortly. A storytelling that introduces Elviart to the new generation, while it creates nostalgia to the elder ones, reminding them of a more pure period of living.

Above all, every package of Elviart has its own secret recipe for everyday meals of high dietary value and delightful taste.

Our challenge to approach a long tradition of 96 years ago history in a modern way has been repeated for 11 times, with one and only target and wish:

Our “Soft & Fluffy” pita bread Elviart would become the consumer’s favorite and never stay too long on any shelf of any market.